When I was younger I was bullied a lot in school. At first I tried fitting in then I embraced standing out but the bullying was pretty intense no matter what I did. I was taught to be kind and I was taught right from wrong but I became timid. I had lost my voice along way. I was apprehensive to form friendships afraid to get hurt. When I was invited to HerShe almost 3 years ago I wasn’t interested in making friends and now I have lifelong sisters in these girls! I look forward to the fellowship and to the message. My favorite and most memorable message was when MaCayla spoke on being a Flamingo, never comparing myself and always investing in myself with the good things because what I put in my heart and mind affects the person I am! I carry that message with me always. If I had one thing to tell other girls about HerShe it would be to give it a chance to change your life. We need eachother, we need sisterhood and community in this day and age that makes us better not bitter. Stronger not weaker, and loving not passive. Whatever you’re looking for, whatever you need, you’re not alone!
HerShe has changed my life, and I know it will change yours.