HerShe was founded by MaCayla Rowe along side a team of girls in Killeen Texas, in 2014. HerShe is a non-profit organization and ministry through Destiny World Outreach Center that hosts monthly events to share hope, love and light to all girls from 12yrs-25yrs old. Our Vision is to inspire girls from all walks of life and to help them live out the full meaning of sisterhood by advocating positive and healthy ideals. We believe that every girl was placed on this earth with a divine purpose, our mission is to help her unwrap that purpose.

She believed she could, so she did

She is brave and  full of vision and purpose

Victory and boldness run in her veins

She is not moved by the storm or attracted to mediocrity 

Beauty flows from the inside out 

Everywhere she goes she sprinkles a little sparkle 

All of her dreams are in her reach, her consistency and strength is inspiring 

Divine is her name,  encouragement is her language,  her light shines no matter the darkness 

She doesn’t keep her joy for herself , she shares it with her sisters

World changer, Love giver… “She” is You.