If I told you my story, you wouldn’t believe me. I have been through things that I never thought I would encounter. I have lived in homeless shelters, in a domestic violence home. Growing up, well let’s just say, I didn’t really get a chance at being a kid. I grew up living with my mom, who always did the best she could, just not being a mom. When I was 15, I was forced to move to Puerto Rico with my grandparents because I couldn’t live with her anymore. Things were just not good with my mom at all. I was in a dark place. I started using drugs, I was rude to everyone and I didn’t care about myself at all.
A couple months went by and I started going to church. I didn’t really want to but I had to. However, little did I know that one of the best things was about to happen. I had an encounter with God and it was the best decision I ever made. Long story short, I was in Puerto Rico for almost three years and I decided to move in with my father in Texas. After moving I shortly started attending a church called Destiny through that I found out about HerShe. I’m new to HerShe but my time so far has literally been life-changing. HerShe is something I wish I had growing up. It has impacted my life in a way that, it just makes me help ALL those girls who are lost, who don’t value themselves, who just want someone to be there for them and love on them.
Why should you go to HerShe? It’s a place of comfort, happiness, interaction, and understanding. We are a community of girls working, living to bring hope, love, and light to all girls around the world. Invite your friends, don’t be afraid to do something different. You never know what could happen, when you try something out of your comfort zone. “Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!”
-Anne Frank.